Brazilian Sunday #3

It has been a while since my last Brazilian Sunday post , life got in the middle (read: Had to work with Rekordbox and Logic!:))

Anyway,we are now halfway in to winter so we really need something uplifting.

Newborn Jr  who’s real name is Adam Brocki and Earth Trax who’s real name is Bartosz Kruczyńsk comes from Warsaw, Poland.

I don’t know so much about Newborn Jr or Earth Trax, but they have released a cool tune on a new EP that was released last month which has a really sweet brazilian kind of style to it.

It is really nice to see more artist coming out from eastern Europe!.

This track is called “Just In Time”  and is a part of their new EP:  Earth Trax X Newborn Jr. ‎– Mirage EP



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