Tune of the week #10

If the ice is not crystal clear, then it is not a proper party. And if you have not heard “R-mancer” in a Roman Flügel Happy Gerdy Remix, by Tuff city kids, then you really ought to listen too it. Suitably it is this weeks tune. This Big Room, Spacey, Blip Blop House Tune (no, not Techno this time) by Gerd Janson and Phillip Lauer is awesome!

This, Close-to-eight-minute mellow-a-la-Roman-Flügel tune, is a very simple tune with a straight forward drum over a round and nice baseline. Some claps and stuff keeps coming in over a heavy reverb as a blip blop kind of melody (I am thinking) is going. Heavier big room analogue Bass a Synths comes comes and goes, so does a warm pad synth.

It is kind of tuff to describe, but it is really quite a nice tune! Follow the links for more info and have a listen below. You can buy the Digital releases at e.g. Beatport.




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