Orbital upcoming live shows in Stockholm & Amsterdam Dance Event and a new album

Remember the 1995 classic movie Hackers and the soundtrack Halcyon on & on ?

As you may know, it is Orbital that was behind that specific track and they are now on tour along with a new upcoming album called Monsters Exist that will be released on 14 September  this year .

Almost 30 years has passed since Orbital released their debute album, often called the “Green Album” and listening to the tracks P.H.U.K and Tiny Foldable Cities that are from the upcoming album will give you flashback from the 90s UK rave scene.

P.H.U.K is abbreviation of Please Help United Kingdom and looking at the P.H.U.K music video, you see the 90s stylish video art but also scenes of demonstrations , Grenfell Tower and issues UK is facing today .

Orbital are on tour and they will be playing at Amsterdam Dance Event on 19 October at Paradiso and if you happen to live in Sweden you can catch them live in Stockholm at Kraken on 27 Oct  (ticket sales will open on 25th of July )


P.H.U.K from the Orbital upcoming album :


Tiny Foldable Cities from the Orbital upcoming album :