Tune of the week #30

On the Fleeting wax release in 2015, we find a tune named “Schlager Edit” by Tai Share. It samples a German schlager song by Raffaella Carra named “A far l’amore comincia tu (liebelei)“. Schlager Edit is a great tune that is mostly drums and percussions and a vocal element of the original tune repeating. At one point a few minutes in the melody of the original is released, before it comes back, allowing you to mix the tune out. A great DJ tool with a really cool sample.

Listen below. Get your copy at for example Bandcamp (links above).

[bandcamp width=350 height=470 album=2860943893 size=large bgcol=333333 linkcol=e99708 tracklist=false track=676959692]


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