Tune of the week #2

Do you remember, or love like I do , the sound of house music in the 90th? Maybe you have not thought about it, and just like a raw punk like feel to house music. In that case the tune of the week is something for you. It is a tune that quite simply brings you back to the 90th.

The tune I am talking about is “Who loves you?” by Romare, a Nilja Tune delight. It is a heavenly rough tune with a Punks Jump Up kind of repetitive baseline. Eventhough it is a DJ-friendly tune that kicks off with a beat, the baseline immediately comes in. So does the repeated vocal “Who loves you?”, that comes in every 16th beat or so. Later in the tune comes the so characteristic house music string, some guitar samples (I assume) and a bunch of cool techy sounds very suitable to the style of the song. In all a killer track!

You can find the 12″ vinyl and a digital release at the Ninja Tune Webpage, where you can also read about Romare.


Have a listen below…


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